How To Make OVER $500,000 in 2023💰 (COPY WHAT I DO) #Shorts


If someone told you it was possible to make over $500,000 per year, you might be skeptical. But with the right knowledge, experience, and hard work, it is achievable. In a recent video titled “How I Make Over $500K Per Year” on Jet Video Academy, a content creator shared their tips on how to reach this financial goal. In this article, we will explore the key takeaways from the video and how we can apply them to our own lives.

The Video and Video Description

The video mentioned is available on Jet Video Academy, and the link to the academy is provided in the video description. The content creator provides insights based on their own experience of generating over $500,000 per year. However, it is important to note that the video is for educational purposes only and doesn’t guarantee earnings. Since the creator can make mistakes, the information in the video may have errors. It’s imperative that you take the time to verify and research the information presented before attempting to replicate the strategies in your own life.

Hard Work, Experience, and Knowledge are Vital

The starting point for making over $500,000 per year is obvious: hard work. The creator of the video emphasizes the importance of having experience, knowledge, and skills in your area of expertise. In order to start generating a sizable income, you need to offer significant value to your customers or clients. The key is to find an area of specialization that aligns with your skills and expertise that allows you to add massive value to your target market.

Copy The Strategies That Work

The content creator in the video shares specific strategies that worked for him. These strategies can include creating premium content on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. Also, you could sell products that you personally have verified and used on websites affiliated with Amazon or ClickBank. You could also start a small business that capitalizes on your strengths to provide value to others. The fact is that there are many different ways to make a significant income, though the key is to execute the strategies that are ideal for your unique circumstances.

The Importance of Marketing

The video also highlights the importance of marketing. Creating quality content is only one aspect of generating an income. You must also promote that content the right way to ensure it reaches your target audience. Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook are just some of the platforms that the content creator uses to promote their products and content.

The Disclosure of Affiliate Links

It’s common for content creators to use affiliate links in their descriptions, and this content creator is no exception. While these links could potentially generate income, the said creator is only sharing videos on products that they have used and trust personally. If the creator has a relationship with a product or brand, they often make disclosures in their video descriptions. This way, you can ensure the creator is honest about their viewpoint.


In conclusion, there is a lot of valuable information in the “How I Make Over $500K Per Year” video. The creator shares many useful tips on how to increase your earning potential, but it’s vital to exercise caution to ensure the information presented is legitimate. The ability to make a high income is always within reach if you have experience, knowledge, and hard work. Finally, Always remember that generating a sizable income requires effort – there are no shortcuts.